Thursday, January 19, 2012

Trends for 2012 Technology

Being on the front lines of technology for customer service environments, I am afforded the opportunity to meet with many different people inside and outside of enterprise companies. I work with all sorts of different people at different levels in companies and with all kinds of industries. The neat part of that for me is getting to meet so many people, but the technology geek side of me loves it because I am able to see first had what people are doing to leverage technology for the betterment of their business and for the consumer.

Over the course of the next few weeks, I am going to post about the trends/technology that I am seeing organizations take a crack at deploying in the customer service operations and what they are saying about why they are doing it.

As a precursor, here are the items that seem to be jumping out as trends that I will be talking about more in depth:

1. Knowledge Management Overhaul
2. IVR Re-Design or Replacements
3. Web Site Refresh
4. Live Chat Deployments
5. Virtual Agents
6. Feedback Management
7. Social Tools

I will take one at a time and just see where it goes. Please let me know your thoughts....

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