Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Something that I have come to have new found respect for is the idea of simplicity. Whether it be simplicity of a process. Simplicity of design. Simplicity of a message. Simplicity....

I was reading an article today about a guy that has done research on all the talks that have been given at TED. He broke down the topics and ideas into curious facts about what people seemed to like most in a talk based on traffic to that video. He had some interesting facts that he could not explain, but the one that jumped out to me was the more simple the presentation, the more people viewed it.

It has been proven that the human brain can not focus on a presentation or talk for more than 20 min. After that, the brain starts to shut down on the message and start thinking of other things it can do to keep going.

Keep it simple and short. People will appreciate it.

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