Thursday, February 4, 2010

Not Just Call Center Talk

I tend to focus on customers from the perspective of the service experience in my posts, mostly because that is where my interest professionally sits. But, let me diverge for a short time and talk about the customer experience in a wholly different context.

I was eating lunch today and trying to catch up on a little news on the tube. I flipped over to CNBC to see if there was anything notable happening in the world of business. I just happened to pick up the beginning of a segment around the tensions and rhetoric that is growing between China and our great country. I was very interested to hear what thoughtful, insightful and interesting dialog was about to make it's way from the commentators lips to my ears. I really think this is an interesting discussion to have and am very serious in my desire to learn and hear more on the topic.

Problem was that after the intro to the segment, they brought on two guys that disagreed with each other and showed their class and respect for one another by screaming at each other so no one could hear what the other was saying. Classic cable news TV these days. Bring on two people that will shout at each other and really say nothing of substance. Draw people to the shows through shock and aggressive, 5th grade behavior and the sponsors line up. Or do they?
Here is a link to an article that talks about how CNBC is losing viewers like crazy.

I wonder if they treated their viewers more like intelligent, thoughtful and interested human beings if they would see a change in their viewing numbers?

Customers are talking with their remotes and it only takes five minutes watching their channel to understand why.

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